For centuries, concrete has been a preferred construction material for all kinds of personal and commercial projects. However, for a number of reasons, existing concrete structures may no longer suit the needs of their current owners. Such circumstances typically call for demolition, as well as breaking and removal of the demolished material. While concrete demolition, breaking and removal may seem like simple tasks, they actually require significant planning and careful execution in order to avoid unnecessary and potentially dangerous complications. In other words, they require help from trained professionals.
For safe, reliable concrete demolition, breaking and removal services, trust the experts at Miami Wrecking. We have the experience with the right equipment for the job. If you need concrete cutting services when you’re conducting repairs, modifying existing structures or performing a complete teardown, we’ll help you meet your critical deadlines while keeping a constant focus on efficiency and job site safety.
Concrete and reinforced concrete are designed to stand up through long years of use and daily wear and tear. Still, in a broad range of circumstances, concrete roads and structures can develop problems that call for limited or large-scale repairs. Common examples of these problems include:
Relatively superficial cracks that interfere with safe pedestrian or vehicular access
Deeper cracks that may ultimately degrade structural integrity, and
Frost heaving, a form of damage that occurs when a combination of moisture seepage and freezing pushes sections of concrete upward from their normal level position
In addition, even when existing concrete roads and structures remain in good general condition, they may need to be modified to meet the requirements of their planned future use.
The accepted solution for all of these situations is concrete demolition. Unfortunately, it can actually take more effort to remove concrete than it takes to install it in the first place. In addition, even small demolition projects come with a substantial element of risk for accidents and injuries. For these reasons, demolition is not a process you can safely leave in the hands of amateurs who lack the proper equipment. Instead, you must turn to experts who understand how to gauge the many variables associated with each particular job, develop an appropriate plan and carry out efficient demolition work that achieves your aims while keeping your jobsite safe at all times.
There are a number of possible ways to demolish concrete. Smaller jobs may call for nothing more than handheld tools such as picks, robotic hammers, sledgehammers or jackhammers. However, larger jobs may call for a more advanced mechanical solution carried out with excavators or other forms of heavy machinery. Additional types of equipment frequently used for small and large demolition projects include:
Concrete/masonry flat saws
Concrete/masonry wall saws, and
A core drilling procedure called line drilling or stitch drilling, which uses a series of overlapping drill holes to loosen up the targeted material
Concrete breaking and removal are the natural follow-ups to concrete demolition. The breaking process is used to reduce the size of large segments of demolished material and make them suitable for convenient displacement and hauling. Actual displacement and hauling occur during the subsequent removal phase. Like demolition, breaking and removal may seem like easy jobs that you can leave in the hands of a general contractor or other untrained personnel. However, the same warnings that apply to concrete demolition also apply here. Unless carried out by professionals who understand the many ways in which things can go wrong, concrete breaking and removal can pose significant risks for worksite mishaps and injuries.
Breaking and removal work is performed with a wide variety of equipment. A short list of the potential options includes:
Skid loaders
Front end loaders
Mini excavators
Full-size excavators, and
Dexpan is great for Demolition of reinforced concrete, concrete foundations for Things like Retaining walls, Bridges and foundations,
Indoor Demolition of Reinforced concrete in tight spaces safely and more effectively
Dexpanis a perfect Silent demolition option for when there is noise restrictions and you cant use typical loud demolition tools like jackhammers, diamond blade concrete cutter saw, and explosives.
Nexpro helps demolition contractors, demolition consultants, drilling and blasting contractors, blasters, mining companies and quarry owners to lower job costs and increase safety!